by Ian J. Ghent | Oct 26, 2020 | Apache Spark, Apache Spark Cafe, Python, SAS
Back in 2016, I wrote a blog article posing an interesting question; given the rise of Apache Spark as the defacto analytics platform, is SAS still relevant? The answer back then was a definitive yes. Well a lot has changed in the past 4 years! While we are reflecting...
by Andrea Bacqué | Oct 16, 2020 | Apache Spark, Apache Spark Cafe, Customer Experience, Python, SAS, Solutions
If your organization’s made a decison to move to the Cloud, chances are you are considering one of the top Cloud Service Providers. You should know they all run Apache Spark for its lightning-fast cluster computing and incomparable data processing performance...
by Andrea Bacqué | Sep 25, 2020 | Apache Spark, Apache Spark Cafe, Customer Experience, Java, Python, R, SAS, Scala, Solutions
I have the privilege of exchanging with Chief Data Officers around the world. I’m noting a consistent trend emerge with their data science modernization efforts. Getting rid of legacy is a bigger challenge than most anticipated. CDO’s all know that to...
by Ian J. Ghent | Sep 11, 2020 | Apache Spark, Apache Spark Cafe, Python, SAS
At WiseWithData, we believe we can be and help support agents of positive change in our communities and around the world. We see Open Source Software (OSS) as a truly shining example of the power of global communities coming together to solve common challenges. Thanks...
by Andrea Bacqué | Aug 20, 2020 | Apache Spark, Customer Experience, Python, SAS, Solutions
The concept of dark data – i.e. information assets organizations collect, process and store during regular business activities, but generally fail to use for other purposes such as analytics, business relationships and direct monetizing – isn’t new...
by Andrea Bacqué | Jun 19, 2020 | Apache Spark, Apache Spark Cafe, Customer Experience, Python, SAS, Solutions
The Wise With Data Team have been eagerly anticipating Spark 3.0’s release and it is official as of today. As experts in open source data science, we’d like to share what to expect with Spark 3.0. Also a reminder that Spark Summit 2020 is next week… What are we...